
Inspiration-- MANGA PLATES

(Mika Tsutai, 2011)

(Mika Tsutai, 2011)

(Mika Tsutai, 2011)

Mika Tsutai creates a series of plates, which features the Japanese comic style for his graduate project.  As we can see from the images, each plate has typically black and white drawings so when food is arranged in a particular way among the plates, it compose an exciting story.

As for my project, after the presentation, I decide to create a brand of tea, which emphasize the spirit of reminding workers to take a tea break. Therefore, through an attractive packaging to encourage people do it could be a new idea of my tea brand. Namely, the packaging might have interesting illustrations, just like Mange plates, and workers could interact with each packaging. After saw the packaging, they will feel refreshed.


MIKA, T., 2011. Plate. Mika Tsutai [ online blog], 2011. Available at: http://mika-tsutai.cdx.jp/ [Accessed 26 November 2012]

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