
Tutorial--11 Dec 2012

(Fuling, 2012)

(Fuling, 2012)

(Fuling, 2012)

Still feeling lost and worried about my project after I got the feedback from Kay as well as my group members. Here is how would I package my idea, to design a brand, which is encouraging people in work to take a break rather than to enjoy afternoon tea, and I will create an app that will remind people to drink a cup of tea. The most important thing of the brand is that I will package it with Victorian style. However, they suggested me to figure out why bring back the Victorian style is important and what is a new idea inside this tea brand?  Dose the app represent the idea as practical. Therefore, to research how tea breaks exactly help people to get the maximum productivity and thinking about the best way to package the idea is my next step.

Although the progress of my project is at the slow pace, I got a good feedback on the reflecting Journal. Hence, I will try hard and having fun with my project.

There are several bullet points below:
  • Examine how you package the idea take out or take in
  • Explain how you with to put the magic back into the tea break
  • How can you realistically enhance the tea break?
  • Prove how this will be effective through research, case studies, and theories.
  • R.J. looks food but theory more.



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