
Research methods

(Fuling, 2012)

The seminar of research methods and methodologies was extremely beneficial in explaining how to build theories. Dr. Christine Hardy used an interesting way to discuss it so I can absorb immediately.

The following are some points about the seminar:
When we want to build theory, we have to think about what, why and how.

o  What-- Project title, Aim, Objectives, Audiences
§  Aim—what purpose of the project.
§  Objectives—what you want to achieve
§  Audience—What is the market? Such as who are your target audiences and who are your clients?

o  Why—why is this research needed? How needed it? How does it relate to the professional contexts?
§  Evaluation the project and analyze it.

o  How—what are your methodologies?  What are your plans of work? Probable outcomes.
§  Methodology in art and design:
Practice, Observation, Visualization, Case study, Interview. 

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