
Tutorial of MA project-- 6 Oct 2012

(Fuling, 2012)

After, discussing the idea of my MA project and what inspired me to create it with my tutor, Kay, and group members, I got very useful suggestions. For example, the initial idea of my project was about presenting the different country’ s tea culture by illustration. However, the topic is too broad so they suggested that the project could focus on the relationship between tea and working culture. As a result, I pointed several advices from the discussion.

There are several bullet points below:
  • To ask myself why I want to discuss drinking culture.
  • To identify my audiences.
  • To find a proper media for the project.
  • To research tea culture and working culture in the UK.
  • To investigate why chains of coffee gradually have been replaced traditional tearooms. 
  • To research and to analyze the case study.
  • To experience afternoon tea
  • To create a brand which provides afternoon tea for working people.
  • Try to create a different atmosphere of environment for worker by an illustration.

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