
Name for Tea Brand

(1940 ,Allen Bowtell)

When I visited the IWM for the collection of the Ministry of food, luckily found some interesting research for my project. For example, on this day in 1940, people believed that drinking less than two or three cups a day would strike at the very heart of wartime morale. Action was immediate and swift when war broke out, and tea was dispersed to warehouse across the land. Therefore, the research is appropriate for the theory of my project. 

Moreover, I found that about 11 o'clock, people usually have brunch as a replacement for both lunch as well as breakfast and then tea plays a vital role on those light meals.

Finally, when I heard the popular wartime song—Everything stops for tea, which is a jolly homage to the British 4 o’clock tea breaks, I think maybe I could name the brand by those interesting research.

As a result, after visited the museum, I decide to name the brand “Eleven Four”.

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