
Inspiration-- George Him

(George Him, 1944)

(George Him, 1955)

George Him

Him was born in Lódz, Poland, of Russian-Jewish parents. He was a designer whose work plays a viral role over 50 years from Russsia, Germany, Poland, and England. His works included children’s book illustration, advertising, and exhibition design. When he met and partnered with January Lewitt, they designed some poster for the war effort.

I really enjoy his illustration, especially, the figure he created on the poster so when I created the character of the tea lady, I thought maybe I could learn from him. 

There are some of figure of tea ladies inspired by his work below.

(Fuling, 2012)

(Fuling, 1012)


AGI, 2012. George Him, Alliance Graphique Internationale, 2012 http://www.a-g-i.org/member-work/profile/555[Accessed 12 December 2012]

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