
Case study--Make mind a builders

(make mine a builders)

I might learn the package way of the builder’s tea because their idea is about to refresh hardworking nation with a proper, no-nonsense cup of tea.

They turned to the experts on the subject – builders, of course – and asked 300 of them to slurp and rate their blend. Workers gave them top marks for strength, refreshment and lip-smacking refreshment and lip-smacking flavour – the perfect cuppa for a job well done.

They packed up builder-approved bags and delivered them to retailers and wholesalers across the country. Now workers everywhere can reward themselves with a real.

In terms of the idea, my MA Project is about a concept to help working people to perform their work better. To be precise, I want to design a product that can assist working people, who are work in an office, to refresh their energy when they cannot concentrate on their work or encounter working dilemmas. Namely, by encouraging them to take a tea break might lead to increased economic growth and prosperity.


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