
Inspiration-- Ashley Havinden

(Design Council/Council of Industrial Design)

 (Ashley Havinden ,1931)

(Ashley Havinden, 1927)

Ashley Havinden


Ashley Havinden was a British advertising designer who dominated modernist commercial work in British. Most of his work was influenced by cubism, futurism and Bauhaus typography.He was considered very influential on modernism during the time before and after World War Two. 
Through the research of Ashley Havinden, I learned how he advertised the commercials by illustrations and how to develop our drawing style. Moreover, I discovered that the drawing style of the 1950’s illustrations applied prodigious cubism and modernism, consequently, in order to present the atmosphere of the 1950s, I should apply both theories in my brand.


ELIZABETH, D., 2001. Designing Britain 1945-1975 [online blog], 2001. Available at:http://www.vads.ac.uk/learning/designingbritain/html/menswear.html/ [Accessed 12 December 2012]

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