

Below are a few of sketches, which was inspired by 50s posters that I collected, I created in my sketch book.

(Fuling, 2012)

The first sketch described the duty of the tea lady in the office. Though research of tea ladies, I found " tea ladies are employed in various work and they premises to ensure workers are adequately supplied with refreshments during their break times." but before I searched it, I didn't know what duty tea ladies have to do. Hence, I believe most of young people who are working in the office might not know the story behind the occupation so maybe I could introduce the story or the background of the tea lady to them by my illustrations.
(Fuling, 2012)

This sketch is taking about the feeling that after enjoy the tea break made by tea ladies, they were in an light-hearted mood just like to go surfing. 

( Fuling, 2013)
This sketch was influenced by George Him. When I saw his work, I thought maybe I could create some figures for my brand.

(Fuling, 2012)

The final sketch described the importance of the tea ladies. 

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