
RESEARCH-- A cup of tea really can help reduce stress at times of crisis, claim scientists

(Fuling, 2013)

The study, by psychologist Dr Malcolm Cross at City University London, confirms what millions of tea-lovers have long believed – that if you are upset or anxious, it pays to make a brew.

The findings reveal that even a single cup of tea can significantly reduce anxiety levels after suffering a stressful experience – and in some cases, make people calmer than they were before.

The experiment at the centre of the study, which placed volunteers in a stressful scenario, showed a 25 per cent increase in anxiety for those that did not receive tea immediately after the stress-inducing test. Conversely, those who were given tea actually demonstrated a four per cent reduction in stress.

As well as the soothing qualities of the tea itself, the psychologist found that the act of putting the kettle on also helped by tapping into a collective conscious and symbolism.

Further psychological tests and focus groups conducted after the experiment indicate that tea’s calming benefits aren’t just a question of biochemistry – but also a matter of its ‘Britishness’.

Psychologist Dr Malcolm Cross, of City University London, said: “The ritual of making and drinking tea - particularly during times of stress - is at the very core of British culture.

"This study shows that the social psychological aspects of tea enhance the effects of its chemical make-up on our bodies and brains. It’s possible that this culturally rooted, symbiotic function between mind and body explains why Britons instinctively turn to tea in times of need.

"Put simply, the findings illustrate what most mothers would tell us: if you’re stressed, anxious or just feeling blue, make yourself a nice calming brew."

This evidence of tea as a cultural crutch in times of need is supported by new anecdotal research, which reveals that nearly half (48 per cent) of tea-drinkers claim the reason they find calm at the bottom of a cuppa is because of the drink’s quintessential Britishness and association with cultural icons such as the Queen.

Past studies have pinpointed tea’s unique soothing properties, but this research, sponsored by Direct Line, claims that less than a fifth (19 per cent) of us are actually prompted to put on the kettle because of its special ingredients.

The promise of comfort and warmth (60 per cent) and the means of psychological escape (41 per cent) are instead the primary reasons we seek such solace in the calming cup of tea.

The researchers found that it was most appropriate when dealing with a stressful day at work, arguments with friends or colleagues or missing a train.

My review--

This article reveals how tea can help people reduce the stress so it gave me confident to develop my project but I need to work out how could I encourage people in work to do this activity.


RICHARD, A., 2009, A cup of tea really can help reduce stress at time of crisis, claim scientists, Telegraph Media Group limited 2013. Available at : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/6015821/A-cup-of-tea-really-can-help-reduce-stress-at-times-of-crisis-claim-scientists.html [Accessed: 20 November 2012]

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