
Tutorial--27 Nov 2012

(Fuling, 2013)

This morning I presented some of my research and illustration for my grope members and Kay; however, the feedback from them let me feel lost again. At the begging of the tutorial, I showed them what angle I am going to work from. One is a workplace that is promoting afternoon tea as an activity just like a coffee morning that Macmillan did for charity. Another is a tea company who is promoting the product as a relaxing thing (like advertising the idea of afternoon tea?) Then, I showed the article of how cups of tea help people in work reduce the stress. However, they think the first one seems more reasonable and the second one still cannot convince them that the work place would create event things for their employees every day so I need to think about which direction is suitable for my project.

There are several bullet points below:
  • Maybe you can create an app to remind people to relax.
  • How to deliver the products to the work place?
  • Lost the direction. 

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