
Presentation-- Shadow Play

How to communicate clear ideas of works is significant for designers.

The purpose of today's presentation is to discuss how we can clearly communicate our ideas and thinking. At the beginning, we were requested to collect images, which are meaningful and interesting for you so I chose the poster, which is designed for a show of optical illusion at the Hayward Gallery.

Shadow play, tricks of perspective, anamorphic and magic lanterns play a vital role for graphic design so the designer used the work from Laurent Mannoni to create this poster and he, or she tried to twist the old graphic to new one. For example, this poster chose the contrastive color, black and yellow to trigger people’s attention. However, the original one only has monochrome so it looks less colorful. The designer also used two logos to remind audiences that it is an anamorphic image so both sides have perfect relationship with logos.

Through this presentation I know what is the best way to present my concepts, or ideas.


Christian, B., 2004, Eyes, lies and illustration, Exhibition held at Museum of Hayward Gallery, London, 7 October 2004 - 3 January 2005, [Exhibition catalogue]

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