
Journey and Destination

(2012, Fuling)

The first MA project-- Journey and Destination-- was designed for MA students to familiarize studying environment and to cooperate with postgraduates who are from different disciplines so more than 150 MA students was separated into different groups and each group had to preform an impression that is about Nottingham. The formation of the project is open. Through the project, students not only could adapt to the new school life but also could understand the value of collaboration. 

Our group was composed 5 students that included major from fashion marketing, graphic design and illustration. Due to the different background of our major, we decided to design a multiple project with our specialism.

At the beginning, we spent a lot of time to discuss the possible plan of Journey and Destination because we had to combine our specialism. Then, we decided to create a travel guide, which includes a map and a film. The concept of the travel guide was that where is package spots in Nottingham. In order to find where is the most popular places in Nottingham, we interviewed many people, who lived in Nottingham and we also visited a lot of scenic spots. 

As a result, we created a map called Word Of Mouth and a film of the process of interview. My work was designed the map. As you can see above, I was used interviewer face with their recommended- spots to create the cover because I want to present the dynamic atmosphere. Hence, people might think that is interesting.

After all, I think the project made me a real adventure and I am expecting my school life that will be colorful in the future.

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