
What is the app- Eleven Four.

This app has a game called who is today’s tea lady.For example, the Eleven Four App has three functions.

First one is called who is today’s tea lady. If you touch this one, it will show you a color spectrum and when the arrowhead points the orange color, people who want to play the game and is also wearing orange color, should be the tea lady today.

Second one, scan my mug is designed for tea lady to know everyone’s habit. To be more specific, if I have been chosen to be a tea lady today, you could scan your colleague’s QR code from their mugs, then it would show you some information about your colleagues, such as they don't like sugar so as you served them, 
you could give them a cup of tea without sugar.

Moreover, we could write some words on my mug. For instance, if I want to let tea lady know today is a tough day, I could write down I am busy so I don't need he or she’s service.

The third function is called create the tea event. If you want to organize an event tomorrow afternoon, it will inform everyone who want to attend the event, and after the event, they could mark your tea event.


This app will tell you who is the best tea lady in this month and some basic functions, such as, the introduction of teas and sandwiches, and delivery way.


19th March 2013

(Fuling, 2013)

Today is our group’s last tutorial in this term so I showed the mood boards and some illustrations that are based on those mood boards to my group members.  They thought the project development looks very nice and the drawing of the office language with 1950 works appropriate but color palette should be cleaner. Finally, they like the idea of qr code but it should be fun and humorous.
There are several bullet points below:
  • Look at the whole package and how the new employee will receive information.
  • Explain storyboarding for the app
  • Look at the relationship between text and image.
  •  Draw out the content of games.
  • How people navigate.
  • Continue to explore visual language how I tie in color of 1950s.



My works had been chosen to exhibit at the gallery base 5.

The work involves how to overcome the obstacle of studying abroad and stand the hardness of the unfamiliar environment.
The first painting is talking about that peter rabbit stands for the "Churchill". It means that when people face the problem, the positive attitude can definitely help them to overcome it.

Second painting describes that when the alligator come to the south-pole area. The dramatic change of the weather gives it a unsustainable harshness.
However it is bound to keep swimming till pursue its better life.


Tutorial- 12th March 2013

This morning I presented some of my research and illustration for my grope members and Kay. After the tutorial, I felt positive and delight about what I have done at this term because Kay’s comments show that I did a good job and she also thought the game—who is today’s tea lady, seems interesting for people who work in the office, therefore I should keep working hard. As a result, next tutorial I want to present the visual styles and the layout of the Eleven Four App to my group members.

There are several bullet points below:

  • Start to explore and investigate the findings creating through a range of visual style.
  • Edit the research findings in each boards and create a mood board that explores the visual      Language, type, color and look of your brand/ personality 
  • Be clear of my audience and create a language that connects to them.

Visual work--Mood board

I use three mood boards to create the visual development. First mood board is called “Return to the 1950s” that is about the golden age of the occupation of tea ladies. To be more specific, I collected the life style, the types and colors of the 50s in the UK.
(First mood board)
The second board-- Office Modern,
For people who work in the office, what is their unique language? Workers might very busy. Therefore, simple, quick could represent the working culture. 
(Second mood board)

Finally, at the Third board, I am trying to twist the atmosphere of the 1950s into modern style. For example, twisting the 1950s elements, such as, pattern, shape and typeface to the modern style.
(Third mood board)


Case study--Make mind a builders

(make mine a builders)

I might learn the package way of the builder’s tea because their idea is about to refresh hardworking nation with a proper, no-nonsense cup of tea.

They turned to the experts on the subject – builders, of course – and asked 300 of them to slurp and rate their blend. Workers gave them top marks for strength, refreshment and lip-smacking refreshment and lip-smacking flavour – the perfect cuppa for a job well done.

They packed up builder-approved bags and delivered them to retailers and wholesalers across the country. Now workers everywhere can reward themselves with a real.

In terms of the idea, my MA Project is about a concept to help working people to perform their work better. To be precise, I want to design a product that can assist working people, who are work in an office, to refresh their energy when they cannot concentrate on their work or encounter working dilemmas. Namely, by encouraging them to take a tea break might lead to increased economic growth and prosperity.
