
Tutorial-- 25June 2013

Because of the last tutorial, I thought I have to prepare a lot of visual works and clear concept of my app for today’s tutorial. Hence, I created two storyboards. One is talking about how the app works with the machine and the other one is the function of the app.

This storyboard described in detail how the app works.

(Fuling, 2013)

First, if we want to drink a cup of tea, we can order it by an app of Eleven Four, after a while the app will deliver the order to the tea machine so when we put the mug on the machine, it will made a cup of tea automatically. This is convenient for people who are working in the office. In addition, we can play a game, called who is today’s tea lady with our friends and colleagues. The content of the game is that we can send a massage to our colleagues and friends for reminding them to take a break, just like a tea lady, and the massage might include a recipe for making our favorite tea so when our friends received it, they can choose the recipe that we sent to them. Accordingly, if we put the mug on the tea machine, it will make a cup of tea by their choice.

This is the storyboard of the app’s functions.

(Fuling, 2013)

(Fuling, 2013)

First function is called my cup, which can help we make a cup of tea to suit our flavor. Such as, we can choose a type of tea that we like to drink, decide how much sugar we want to take, and what kinds of milk that we take. The tea machine will make a cup of tea according to those kinds of choices. Second, Like is the function that for people to share their opinions. Teatime is third function, which is an on-line social network service for people to find a company that can drink a cup of tea with them. The final function is called tea lady. Through the function, we can send a massage to our friends and colleagues and it has a receipt of the ratio of the tea that we like so they can try our receipt by the machine.

When it comes to visual style, I thought I have to work hard and figure out which visual style is the best for my project.

This is the visual style of my application.

(Fuling, 2013)


Case Study-- Smart Touch Screen Vending Machine Remembers Your Face

This concept is similar to smile-activated ice cream machine. Both of them used facial recognition technology and want to create a next-generation vending machine. This machine, which is created by Sanden, used graphics, animations and text on the screen to help office drones from boring office. For instance, you can not only see the products inside through the screen, but also interact with graphics, animations and text on the screen. When no one is around, the display shows the time and some fun animations to attract the attention of potential customers.

The idea could be used for the tea machine because if the tea machine could recognize people’s attribute, it can show suitable tea or content to match the employees demographic. Namely, the tea machine would be a steel tea-lady for employees.


Case Study--Smile-activated ice cream vending machine

(Unite 9)

The world’s first smile-activated ice cream vending machine, designed by Sapient Nitro, is based on the concept of “share happy”. For example, consumers walk up to the machine, smile and are award an ice cream as a prize. When its motion detectors sense someone is near, the machine beckons them to come closer and interact. Using facial recognition technology, it can then recognize a person's age, gender and emotion, and measure their smile using a "smile-o-meter". If their grin is wide enough, they get free ice cream. As for my project, I can utilize the concept of digital facial recognition, 3G and Facebook to create an industry-leading and innovative tea machine and brand. 


TOM, E., 2012, The world’s first smile-activated vending machine,UNIT9 Ltd, Available at: http://www.unit9.com/project/smile-activated-ice-cream-machine/[accessed 15 June 2012]


Tutorial-- 11 June 3013

It has been ages since I sat down with my group members so I was quite exciting about today’s tutorial but after I presented my research and illustration style, I was a bit disappointed in myself as I hadn't achieved the goals that I had set myself after the meeting on 30th May; therefore, Kay thought I have lost a bit of direction and suggested me to focus on the content of application and how it nominate the tea lady now?

There are several bullet points below:
  • For the 25/06 produce a full story board of how the content of app/ screen works--with visual.
  • Produce a worked up layout/ animation- with color.
  • contact and book in Andrew Harries--ceramics.
  • Continue to research machines/ apps and how they work.

Case Study--Coca Cola: Hug Me

To research interesting concept of interactive design is my new assignments for next module; therefore, I browsed some magazine while I found some interesting design, such as, Hug me, Smile-activated ice cream vending machine, and Smart Touch Screen Vending Machine…etc.  

(Coca Cola)
The concept of Hug me, which is created by Ogilvy & Mather Singapore, is about how to increase the social interaction by interacting with a Coca Cola vending. To be more specifics, students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) got pleasantly surprised in March of this year when a Coca Cola vending machine was placed overnight with the words ‘Hug Me’. What makes this unusual vending machine special is that it responds to physical hugs before dispensing a free can of Coke. Public displays of affection are uncommon and have long been discouraged in Singapore, but are on the rise amongst young people. The move intended to position the brand as a non-threatening ally to demonstrating youth. In terms of the concept of hug me, it would be interesting that a tea machine which interacts with the employees by touching the machine in the office.


KEVEN, W., 2012, Give us a hug: The Coca-Cola vending machine that asks for hugs, not money, in return for a can of Coke, MailOnline April 2012, Available at:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2128862/Give-hug-The-Coca-Cola-vending-machine-asks-hugs-money-return-Coke.html/[accessed 13 June 2012]