

Due to the discussion of the last tutorial with Kay, I try to contact with creative companies to gain knowledge of tea drinker and hope to find an internship through the interview. Therefore, I created a booklet to introduce the project. The contents of the booklet are the brief of my project, storyboard of how it works and the content of the interview.

The brief of my project 
When looking at what makes an economy grow in the long run, workers play a vital role in creating output. However, many employees became distractive from work, when working long hours; therefore, the result sometimes is a low productivity. In order to maintain optimal productivity and creativity, it might be a good idea to experience a different atmosphere from the work place, such as, going outside, drinking a cup of tea, and eating some snacks (Jeffrey, D. 2012). In other words, to assist employees to overcome multiple tasks, hungriness and fatigue, after sustained work by encouraging them to have a tea break,which is the most quintessential of English customs, could be an excellent idea.

In terms of the idea, my MA Project is about a concept to help working people to perform their work better. I will design a brand of providing tea and snacks that belongs to employees, who work in offices.

Interview Q
•  Would you mind giving your name for research purpose?

•  What do you look for in a job? (environment, salary...)              

•  How long have you been working for this company?

•  On average, how many hours do you work a day?

•  How do you maintain productivity if you are working long hours?

•  Do you have a tea break in your office? How often? How long for the tea


•  Can you go outside during the tea break time?

•  What do you do during tea breaks?

•  What do you think about the value of tea breaks in the office?

•  Do you prefer drinking a cup of tea by tea bag or tea leaves?

•  Could you name any tea brands that you know?  Why do you know

    those brands

•  What is your favorite brand of tea? What do you think about this


•  What are the factors, which affect your decision to buy tea and snacks?

•  What kinds of Apps do you use every day?

•  Would you be interesting in a tea company which provides an on-line order  systems and has a special game called “ Who is today’s tea lady”

•  Could you give me some suggestions about my project?

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