
Case Study--Coca Cola: Hug Me

To research interesting concept of interactive design is my new assignments for next module; therefore, I browsed some magazine while I found some interesting design, such as, Hug me, Smile-activated ice cream vending machine, and Smart Touch Screen Vending Machine…etc.  

(Coca Cola)
The concept of Hug me, which is created by Ogilvy & Mather Singapore, is about how to increase the social interaction by interacting with a Coca Cola vending. To be more specifics, students at the National University of Singapore (NUS) got pleasantly surprised in March of this year when a Coca Cola vending machine was placed overnight with the words ‘Hug Me’. What makes this unusual vending machine special is that it responds to physical hugs before dispensing a free can of Coke. Public displays of affection are uncommon and have long been discouraged in Singapore, but are on the rise amongst young people. The move intended to position the brand as a non-threatening ally to demonstrating youth. In terms of the concept of hug me, it would be interesting that a tea machine which interacts with the employees by touching the machine in the office.


KEVEN, W., 2012, Give us a hug: The Coca-Cola vending machine that asks for hugs, not money, in return for a can of Coke, MailOnline April 2012, Available at:http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2128862/Give-hug-The-Coca-Cola-vending-machine-asks-hugs-money-return-Coke.html/[accessed 13 June 2012]

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